
fcli tool definitions update [-s=<source>] [[-h] [--env-prefix=<envPrefix>] [--log-file=<logFile>] [--log-level=<logLevel>]] ] [--store=_variableName _ ] [--to-file=<outputFile>_]]


Tool definitions list the available versions, corresponding download location, and other details for each tool. These tool definitions are used by the various 'fcli tool' commands to identify what tool versions are currently available and where to download them from. By default, each fcli release ships with the latest tool definitions that were available at the time that release was built.

The update command allows for updating the tool definitions from a URL or local file. This allows for the current fcli installation to be aware of new tool versions that were released after the current fcli release was built, and also allows users to use a custom tool definitions bundle.

For example, if it’s not allowed to download tool installation bundles from public sites like or, companies can host tool installation bundles internally and provide a tool definitions bundle that points to the internally hosted installation bundles. At the same time, companies can restrict which versions of each tool users are allowed to install.


-s, --source=<source>

URL or file to get the tool definitions from. If not specified, default tool definitions provided by OpenText are downloaded from a predefined URL.

Output options:

-o, --output=format[=<options>]

Specify output format and options. Available output formats: csv, csv-plain, json, json-flat, table, table-plain, tree, tree-flat, xml, xml-flat, yaml, yaml-flat, expr, json-properties. The 'expr' output format takes a string containing '{property}' placeholders, other output formats take an optional, comma-separated list of properties to include in the output. Use '-o json-properties' on the current command to see available properties.


Store the JSON results of this command in a variable. Variables can be managed through the 'fcli util variable' command, and can be referenced using ::variable::[property] on any subsequent command.


Write command output to the specified file instead of stdout.

Generic fcli options:


Environment variable prefix for resolving default option and parameter values. Default value is FCLI_DEFAULT.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. Use 'fcli <command> -h' to display help for subcommands.


File where logging data will be written. Defaults to fcli.log in current directory if --log-level is specified.


Set logging level. Note that DEBUG and TRACE levels may result in sensitive data being written to the log file. Allowed values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.