
fcli config proxy update [-p[=<proxyPassword>]] [--priority=<priority>] [--proxy=<proxyHostAndPort>] [-u=<proxyUser>] [-m=<modules>[,<modules>…​]]…​ [[-h] [--env-prefix=<envPrefix>] [--log-file=<logFile>] [--log-level=<logLevel>]] ] [--store=_variableName[=<propertyNames>]] [--to-file=<outputFile>]] [-i=<includedHosts>[, <includedHosts>…​] [-i=<includedHosts>[, <includedHosts>…​]]…​ | -e=<excludedHosts>[, <excludedHosts>…​] [-e=<excludedHosts>[, <excludedHosts>…​]]…​] NAME



-e, --exclude-hosts=<excludedHosts>[,<excludedHosts>…​]

Comma-separated list of target host names on which not to apply this proxy configuration. Host names may include wildcard characters, like *

-i, --include-hosts=<includedHosts>[,<includedHosts>…​]

Comma-separated list of target host names on which to apply this proxy configuration. Host names may include wildcard characters, like *

-m, --modules=<modules>[,<modules>…​]

Comma-separated list of fcli modules / target systems (fod, sc-dast, sc-sast, ssc, debricked, tool) on which to apply this proxy configuration.

-p, --password[=<proxyPassword>]

Password used to authenticate with the proxy server.


Priority of this proxy configuration. If multiple configuration match the target module & URL, the proxy configuration with highest priority is used.


Proxy host and port in the format <proxy host>:<proxy port>.

-u, --user=<proxyUser>

Username used to authenticate with the proxy server.

Output options:

-o, --output=format[=<options>]

Specify output format and options. Available output formats: csv, csv-plain, json, json-flat, table, table-plain, tree, tree-flat, xml, xml-flat, yaml, yaml-flat, expr, json-properties. The 'expr' output format takes a string containing '{property}' placeholders, other output formats take an optional, comma-separated list of properties to include in the output. Use '-o json-properties' on the current command to see available properties.


Store the JSON results of this command in a variable. Variables can be managed through the 'fcli util variable' command, and can be referenced using ::variable::[property] on any subsequent command.


Write command output to the specified file instead of stdout.

Generic fcli options:


Environment variable prefix for resolving default option and parameter values. Default value is FCLI_DEFAULT.

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit. Use 'fcli <command> -h' to display help for subcommands.


File where logging data will be written. Defaults to fcli.log in current directory if --log-level is specified.


Set logging level. Note that DEBUG and TRACE levels may result in sensitive data being written to the log file. Allowed values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.



Name of the proxy configuration to be updated.