fcli tool vuln-exporter uninstall [-y] [--progress=<type>] -v=<versionsToUninstall>[, <versionsToUninstall>…] [-v=<versionsToUninstall>[, <versionsToUninstall>…]]… [[-h] [--env-prefix=<envPrefix>] [--log-file=<logFile>] [--log-level=<logLevel>]] ] [--store=_variableName[: _ <propertyNames>]] [--to-file=<outputFile>_]]
This command removes one or more Fortify Vulnerability Exporter installations that were previously installed using the 'fcli tool vuln-exporter install' command. Note that global bin scripts, if installed, will not be updated or removed by this command. If you un-install the version to which the global bin-script is currently pointing, the global bin script will cease functioning. To update the global bin script to point to an existing version, please use the install command.
- --progress=<type>
Configure progress output. Allowed values: auto, none, simple, stderr, single-line, ansi. Default value: auto. Proper output of single-line and ansi depends on console capabilities.
- -v, --versions=<versionsToUninstall>[,<versionsToUninstall>…]
One or more tool version to uninstall. Accepts 'all' to uninstall all existing versions, or a comma-separated list of version numbers. Version numbers may be specified as <major>[.<minor>[.<patch>]].
- -y, --confirm
Confirm removal of Fortify Vulnerability Exporter.
Output options
- -o, --output=format[=<options>]
Specify output format and options. Available output formats: csv, csv-plain, json, json-flat, table, table-plain, tree, tree-flat, xml, xml-flat, yaml, yaml-flat, expr, json-properties. The 'expr' output format takes a string containing '{property}' placeholders, other output formats take an optional, comma-separated list of properties to include in the output. Use '-o json-properties' on the current command to see available properties.
- --store=variableName[:<propertyNames>]
Store the JSON results of this command in a variable. Variables can be managed through the 'fcli util variable' command, and can be referenced using ::variable::[property] on any subsequent command.
- --to-file=<outputFile>
Write command output to the specified file instead of stdout.
Generic fcli options
- --env-prefix=<envPrefix>
Environment variable prefix for resolving default option and parameter values. Default value is FCLI_DEFAULT.
- -h, --help
Show this help message and exit. Use 'fcli <command> -h' to display help for subcommands.
- --log-file=<logFile>
File where logging data will be written. Defaults to fcli.log in current directory if --log-level is specified.
- --log-level=<logLevel>
Set logging level. Note that DEBUG and TRACE levels may result in sensitive data being written to the log file. Allowed values: TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.